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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro and Mayor Eric Garcetti Host Roundtable Discussion to End Homelessness


The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) as well as other housing and service providers, and landlords from across the region participated in the roundtable discussion to help find housing solutions to end homelessness. The meeting was held at Vermont Villas and hosted by PATH Ventures, a non-profit developer and supportive services provider. County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and Councilmembers Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Gil Cedillo, and Joe Buscaino were present to encourage landlords to recruit private property owners to accept Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) or Section 8 housing vouchers from those who are seeking to end their life of homelessness. This was also an opportunity for landlords to share their successes and challenges housing the formerly homeless.

HACLA is pursuing all available opportunities to bring necessary resources to the City.  In July, HACLA secured over $700,000 from HUD to house homeless veterans, the second largest funding award in the country. The administrative funding award will allow the agency to build capacity and hire staff to expedite the process of housing clients. HACLA is also implementing an innovative strategy of repurposing old motels into safe, supportive housing, a plan that could more than double annual PSH production in Los Angeles without drawing from additional resources.   The Housing Incentive payment (HIP) program is another resource for landlords which includes $1,100 incentive to hold a vacant unit, referrals to fill vacancies, and a dedicated staff person to help participants navigate through the program.

Under the leadership of Mayor Garcetti, a public-private partnership as well as inter-agency collaboration to leverage resources will ensure that ending homelessness continues to be the City’s top priority.

To watch the Mayor’s recap of events including the roundtable discussion and the Jordan Downs Ceremonial Demolition, please visithttp://us12.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a6d09504364d1e2c1a6ed5188&id=ae42024be4&e=f62d84f120


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