The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) announced yesterday the launch of the Jobs Plus Program at Nickerson Gardens Sage Center. The initiative is funded by a grant in the amount of $3.7 Million, which was awarded to HACLA by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) earlier this year. The HUD Jobs Plus program is a four-year $3.7M grant (starting in August 2019 through August 2023) which will be offered exclusively at the Nickerson Gardens public housing development.
The platform of speakers included Mayor Eric Garcetti, Congresswoman Nanette Barragan, Councilmember Joe Buscaino, HACLA President & CEO Doug Guthrie, HUD’s Los Angeles Field Office Director Ray Brewer, and Jobs Plus participant Julie Legardye of Nickerson Gardens; each representative speaking on the benefits of the Jobs Plus program to the community. Following the press conference was a Community Resource, Health & Employment Fair in which several residents of Nickerson Gardens attended and participated.
"Our city's strength grows out of the opportunities afforded to anyone willing to learn skills, secure a job, and earn a decent wage," said Mayor Eric Garcetti. "The Jobs Plus program hands the keys of economic opportunity over to residents of Nickerson Gardens and gives them the chance to walk through the door, into the workforce and toward the lasting careers Angelenos need and deserve.”
“Jobs programs are not Democrat or Republican. They are just good for Watts. The residents of Watts deserve higher paying jobs and a path to self-sufficiency and this grant will help us get there,” said Joe Buscaino, Councilmember for the 15th district.
“It is our hope that the collective resources coming to Nickerson Gardens through the Jobs Plus grant can help our young residents at Nickerson identify their passions and set their course for success; assist our working residents to increase their earnings and start saving; remove barriers to work for adults trying to enter or re-enter the workforce; and most importantly celebrate and support each of our residents in their path to work and the hard road to sustain work,” said Doug Guthrie, HACLA’s President and CEO.
As HACLA’s largest public housing site with 3,146 residents, Nickerson Gardens will benefit from extensive job training, placement and resources through this program dubbed, “The PLUG (Pathways Leading U to Greatness).”