The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles hosted an all staff State of the Agency Meeting at The Fields LA in Exposition Park. Over 630 HACLA employees attended the meeting including staff from all public housing sites, as well as HACLA’s satellite Section 8 offices located in the Valley and Torrance. Also in attendance were HACLA Commissioners Ben Besley, Daniel Tenenbaum, Delfino De La Cruz and Cielo Castro.
During the State of the Agency meeting, HACLA staff were informed about the Agency’s 25-year Vision Plan, HACLA’s goals for 2019 and upcoming changes aimed to improve operation of the agency and efficiency of the services performed by employees. Doug Guthrie, HACLA President and CEO gave a presentation on HACLA’s “Build HOPE” (HOPE: Housing, Opportunity, People & Excellence) initiative stressing the importance of investing in People and Place.
In addition, HACLA staff were recognized for their years of service, ranging from 5 to 35 years. Doug Guthrie congratulated the employees and presented them with a special commemorative pin. Mr. Guthrie also recognized the 2018 Employees of the Month.
Prior to the meeting, the staff had an opportunity to submit questions via an online portal to be answered during the meeting. The executive staff addressed a selection of questions and shared departmental updates as well as upcoming changes within each department.